Week in Review October 23-29, 2023


Fairfield County Sheriff's Office

Week in Review October 23, 2023, through October 29, 2023

October 23, 2023

  • Area of Pine Grove Rd./Mink Hollow Rd., Lancaster, litter complaint, five truck tires dumped along the roadway, report taken.
  • Area of Diley Rd./Busey Rd., Canal Winchester, theft, multiple items stolen from construction site, report taken.
  • 5400 block of Lithopolis-Winchester Rd. NW, Canal Winchester, domestic dispute, parties agreed to separate, report taken.
  • Four motor vehicle accident reports taken.

October 24, 2023

  • Fairfield County Sheriff's Office Lobby, threats/harassment, report taken.
  • 1100 block of Tarkiln Rd., Lancaster, subject transported to medical facility for a medical evaluation, report taken.
  • One motor vehicle accident report taken.

October 25, 2023

  • Area of US33/SR188, Carroll, traffic stop, verbal warning issued, report taken.
  • 700 block of W. Waterloo St., Canal Winchester, theft, multiple items taken from vehicle, report taken.
  • 400 block of Purvis Ave., Bremen, theft, stolen license plate, report taken.
  • 3900 block of Fremar Rd. NE, Lancaster, theft, fraudulent online/deception, report taken.
  • 3200 block of Wheeling Rd. NE, Lancaster, subject transported to a medical facility for a medical evaluation, report taken.
  • 11000 block of Main St., Stoutsville, subject transported to a medical facility for a medical evaluation, report taken.
  • One motor vehicle accident report taken.

October 26, 2023

  • 7500 block of Burgstresser Ct., Canal Winchester, subject transported to medical facility for medical evaluation, report taken.
  • 700 block of W. Waterloo St., Canal Winchester, theft, theft from vehicle, report taken.
  • 6300 block of Prentiss School Dr., Canal Winchester, threats/harassment, report taken.
  • 90 block of Gender Rd., Canal Winchester, threats/harassment, report taken.
  • Fairfield County Sheriff’s Office Lobby, investigate complaint, report taken.
  • Three motor vehicle accident reports taken.

October 27, 2023

  • 300 block of Canal Rd. NW, Baltimore, threats/harassment, report taken.
  • 6000 block of Gender Rd., Canal Winchester, theft, fraudulent charges made on credit card, report taken.
  • 5100 block of Lancaster-New Lexington Rd. NE, Lancaster, disabled vehicle, vehicle was towed from the area, report taken.
  • 8500 block of Benson Rd. NW., Carroll, theft, report taken.
  • 6300 Prentiss School Dr., Canal Winchester, threats/harassment, report taken.
  • 13000 block of Oakmere Dr. NW, Pickerington, theft, fraudulent withdrawal from account, report taken.
  • Four motor vehicle accident reports taken.

October 28, 2023

  • 200 block of High St., Canal Winchester, subject transported to a medical facility for a medial evaluation. 
  • 900 block of Schwilk Rd. SE, Lancaster, assist another unit, subject transported to a medical facility for a medical evaluation. 
  • 200 block of Angle St., Bremen, threats/harassment, report taken.
  • Area of E. High St./N. School St., Amanda, domestic dispute, 30 yr. old male arrested and transported to the Fairfield County Jail, report taken.
  • 400 block of McGrery Rd. SE, Lancaster, subject transported to medical facility for medical evaluation. 
  • 6000 block of Winchester Rd., Carroll, theft, report taken.
  • 4100 block of Sitterley Rd. NW, Canal Winchester, domestic dispute, 41 yr. old female arrested and transported to the Fairfield County Jail, report taken. 
  • 13000 block of Fantasy Way NW, Pickerington, fight, alleged suspect fled the area prior to law enforcement’s arrival, report taken.
  • Two motor vehicle accident reports taken.

October 29, 2023

  • 600 block of W. Waterloo St., Canal Winchester, theft, report taken.
  • 13000 block of Falmouth Ave. NW, Pickerington, theft, report taken.
  • 1700 block of Mt. Zion Rd. SW, Lancaster, stolen vehicle, 2020 Silver Ford F350, report taken.
  • Two motor vehicle accident reports taken.